Hey Hopeville! Welcome aboard. I am the HopeDealer, your most humble founder. From a young person, I always knew that I was different, and I never ever fit in no matter how much I tried. I used to be in a state of discouragement when I would look around and see everyone operating in their gifts and I felt like God forgot about giving me one. One day, He said to me so clearly. You've been operating in your gift, the problem is that you don't understand that it IS a gift. He reminded me that everyone cannot serve for you must have the heart to do so. My educational background (M.S.) and certifications (Certified Life Purpose Coach) all point to one thing: service.
As the founder, my aim for Heap of H.O.P.E. is to be the change agent and the catalyst in the WORLD that I would love to see. My mantra is "I deal, you heal." The purpose of Heap of HOPE is to educate, empower and encourage in ANY and EVERY way that I can. It is my prayer and purpose that this business not only flourishes beyond measure, but to be a pillar in many communities internationally and to give back the hope that individuals feel as if they don’t have; or don't have access to.
HOPE is an acronym for Helping Others Promoting Encouragement. Sometimes, all a person needs is to know that you are there and that you are listening; not to judge, not to ridicule, just to be there. Hope is the foundation that everything else can be built upon. If you have a sliver of hope, you have all that you need to keep going. My first book, 31 Heaps of HOPE is dedicated to this sentiment for it speaks of scenarios and experiences that MOST would not share. Heap of HOPE is your one stop shop for knowledge, for fuel, for hope and encouragement.